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Want to participate?

Read our FAQs to learn more about the Commalla study.

What does participation in the MIT Commalla Study entail? 

The nonverbal or minimally verbal (nv/mv) individual wears a small recorder that attaches to his/her clothing using strong magnets. Parents or caregivers of this individual use a smartphone app to label sounds that their child makes throughout the day.

How long does the study last? 

The duration is set by how often your child vocalizes and how often you choose (or are able) to label. The study is designed to fit into your regular life as easily as possible. Typically, parents label 10-20 minutes a day, a few times a week, and participation lasts approximately 4-6 weeks. If your child vocalizes more often and you would like to label more often, the study duration can be shorter.

Who is eligible for the study?

The Commalla study is open to any individuals who are nonverbal or minimally verbal. To participate, someone who knows the individual well must be willing to provide labels on the meaning of or emotions related to vocalizations using a labeling app. The project is likely most applicable for individuals who have fewer than 10 words or word approximations.

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© 2020 by Yuji Chan.

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